Sunday, 22 January 2012

Photos Taken On Set In London

Choosing our location to shoot. We thought that this was a good chosen location as you could see the bridge, Big Ben and the city buildings behind. We felt that the lighting looked professional in this position too. 

A view from our chosen location. 

Beth filming. 

It started raining on our shoot causing us to put the rain coat on the camera, ensuring the camera was safe. 

In the tunnel, we were testing out our location in which to film a few shots. 

On the train home after a successful afternoon of filming! 

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Shot List

This is our shot list, and it will help us when we come to film our opening sequence. The shots here are in order of which they will be filmed, starting with the London location, and then Bexleyheath. It will help us to remember which shot goes where, especially when we aren't filming the whole thing in one whole go, as there are different parts set at different places.

Weather Check

This is the weather forecast for the next week in Bexleyheath. We are focused on the days Thursday 12th and Saturday 14th as these either of these days we will be shooting here. It should not be too much of a problem if the weather is bad as we will be inside.

This is the weather forecast for the next week in London. We will be shooting here on Tuesday 10th, and therefore the weather shouldn't be a problem.

Test Shots

Click on the link below to access Beth's blog for the Test Shots of the actors in our film:

Asset List

The link below will take you to the Asset List on Beth's blog.

Costume Design

The above is a link to look at our actors costume design.

Recce Shots - Locations: Bexleyheath and London

This is a link to access the our Recce Shots on Beth's blog:

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


This is our storyboard for our film 'The Hunt'. There are 19 shots, and there is at least 1 close up within every 3. By doing this it will help us when filming so that we are aware of the shot types and the angles for every shot, and makes it clearer to understand the whole scene. 

Titles Map

This is the titles map for our film 'The Hunt'. It is the order in which the shots will appear on screen, starting with the first 10 titles which consist of the directors etc. The last one within this beginning sequence of 10 is the actual title of the film. After this is seen, the film starts and the shots of the film appear. It is very intriguing and lasts just over 2 minutes, throughout this opening sequence the killer's face is not revealed, creating a kind of suspense as to not knowing who it is or what the person looks like, until the end where the audience will see just the eyes. This may want to make them want to know who it is even more, and possibly the only thing revealed is whether they are male or female.
This here is the list of shots in which they appear, it is the same shots as what are on the titles map, however easier to read and in slight more detail.